
Library offering BINGO for teens

The Alpena County Library is introducing STAY-AT-HOME YA (Young Adult) BOOK BINGO, a virtual reading challenge for teens running now through Sunday, May 31. This book bingo challenge, open to readers ages 12-18, encourages teens to keep reading and stay connected during the current stay at home order.

Here are the directions:

Choose a book* that corresponds to an open bingo square. The same book cannot be used to fill multiple squares unless it’s in a different format (a graphic novel version, for example).

After reading, cross off the square, keeping a note of the date, book title, author, and number of pages, on the back of your bingo card or in a notebook.

*Or write a book review. Participants may review a book that they’ve read as part of the challenge or a book they’ve read separately. Submit book reviews here: https://forms.gle/4bmTz1ZJCHNBQHds6.

Need access to books during the library closure? Sign up for a library card online for access to e-books, audiobooks, and more.

Cross off five squares in a row (vertically, horizontally, or diagonally) for one prize entry. Multiple bingos are welcome and encouraged. Filling the entire bingo card adds five extra prize entries, in addition to each previous bingo prize entry.

Participants may also complete weekly mini challenges for more chances to win, including:

¯ Most pages read per week — The participant who reports the most pages read gains an extra prize entry.

¯ Genre/Format Points — Gain a prize entry for each new genre (fantasy, contemporary, historical, etc) or format (graphic novel, verse novel, etc) read.

¯ Longest book — Gain an extra prize entry for reading the longest book of the week.

Keep two reading logs:

¯ Daily Reading Log — Book title(s) and pages read.

¯ Challenge Reading Log — Date, book title, author, pages/length, and square category.

To report a bingo, attend the weekly Virtual YA Book Club on Sundays at 3 p.m. via Zoom OR email Sara at sgrochowski@alpenalibrary.org for further instructions.

Prizes include: One grand prize of a $50 Visa gift card, awarded to the participant with the most prize entries; and two second prizes of $25 Visa gift cards awarded to two randomly selected participants. This challenge and prizes are only open to participants ages 12-18. Only books and entries submitted between Sunday, April 5, and Sunday, May 31, will be considered eligible entries.

Please email Sara at sgrochowski@alpenalibrary.org with questions or comments about the challenge, accessing books, or attending the weekly Zoom meetings.

For more information, visit www.alpenalibrary.org or the library’s Facebook page.


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