
New book details Alpena’s role in WWI

In a new book called “Alpena’s Service in the Great War,” discover the story of a small community in Northeast Michigan and the response they displayed to the “Call to Arms” of World War I.

In the book, by the Northeast Michigan Genealogical Society, find out about the feelings of folks who lived in Alpena between 1916-1920 and the change that occurred. This book features over 600 military biographies of the men and women who served.

This is a glimpse of the soldier’s service and service unit. It also features articles including an overview of the war, and information on the 32, 85, and 14 Divisions, which were the divisions the majority of the Alpena men served in during the war.

Also in the book is an article on the Polish men who fulfilled their draft requirement for WWI by volunteering for Hallers Blue Army. You will find many photos of the Alpena Veterans in this historical account.

The cost for “Alpena’s Service in the Great War” is $25. Copies will be available for sale this Friday and Saturday and Nov. 3 and 4 at the Besser Museum for Northeast Michigan. Only 100 copies have been printed.


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