
Joslin and Nothacker plan spring wedding

Frank Joslin and Christina Nothacker

Frank Joslin and Christina Nothacker are pleased to announce their engagement.

Frank is the son of Jeanne Nowaczewski and the late Rodney Joslin, of Chicago, Illinois. He is the grandson of Ted Nowaczewski, and Kathryn Kunze, of Alpena.

Christina is the daughter of Pamela and Rainer Nothacker, of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Frank and Christina are both First Class Cadets at the United States Coast Guard Academy, in New London, Connecticut, scheduled to graduate in May 2021.

Christina is a business major, and Captain of the Women’s Sailing Team. She has been named to the 2019-2020 All America Intercollegiate Sailing Team.

Frank is Government Major and President of the USCGA Mock Trial & Law Society, as well as a Member of the Men’s Club Water Polo Team, which has competed at the nationals for four consecutive years.

The couple is planning a spring wedding on Cape Cod, Massachusetts, and they look forward to serving at a United States Coast Guard location beginning in June 2021.


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