
Griffin and Pitkin engaged to be wed

Bret Griffin and Kayla Pitkin

Roger M. Griffin of Alpena and Suzanne Miller Carlson of West Palm Beach, Florida, are pleased to announce the engagement of their son Bret Ryan Griffin, to Kayla Pitkin, daughter of Bill and Julie Pitkin of Madison, Alabama.

The bride-to-be is a 2013 Graduate of Jupiter Christian School in Florida and is employed by Home Point Financial in Madison, Alabama, as a mortgage loan coordinator.

The future groom, a 2010 Graduate of Alpena High School and a Dean’s List BSE Graduate of the University of Alabama, is currently employed by Northrop Grumman/Boeing in Huntsville, Alabama, as a mechanical engineer.

The couple will exchange their wedding vows on Oct. 10, 2021 in Alabama where they will reside.


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