
Rebecca V. Lee appointed public defender

Rebecca V. Lee

Rebecca Vance Lee has been appointed 4th Judicial District Public Defender, serving several counties in Tennesse.

On Jan. 12, 2021, Governor Bill Lee appointed Rebecca Lee to fill the position vacated by Ed Miller, who retired at the end of 2020. Lee has worked as Assistant Public Defender since September 2014, handling cases in Cocke, Jefferson, Grainger and Sevier counties. During this time, she has focused on a holistic approach to legal defense that includes drug rehabilitation for nonviolent crimes, zealous advocacy in legal representation, and speaking for those in need, all while supporting ethical standards.

She is a member of the 4th Judicial District Drug Recovery Court team and the Renovatus Board, a faith-based drug recovery program. She supports the Boys and Girls Club of Dumplin Valley and attends Crossroads Community Church in Newport. Prior to serving as Assistant Public Defender, Lee clerked for the Honorable Gary R. Wade when he served on the Tennessee Supreme Court, and she taught mathematics for many years at Cosby High School.

Lee’s primary office will be located in Dandridge at 1222 Circle Drive, with satellite offices located in Sevier and Cocke counties. She looks forward to completing the term vacated by Miller through 2022, vying for election thereafter, and serving the great State of Tennessee.

She resides in Jefferson County with her husband PK Lee.

Lee was sworn in by the Honorable O. Duane Slone on Jan. 19 at the Grainger County Justice Center in Rutledge.

Rebecca Vance Lee is a 1992 graduate of Alpena High School, and she is the daughter of Evelyn and David Glomski of Alpena.


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