
Community Foundation elects new officers

The Community Foundation for Northeast Michigan (CFNEM) Board of Trustees elected four new officers to lead the foundation for one year, with their officer terms ending in March 2022. Debra Kruttlin of Harrisville is the new president; Andy Stone of Posen is the new vice president; Katie Young-Engstrom of Alpena is the new secretary; and Joyce McCoy of Alpena is the new treasurer. Scott McLennan of Rogers City is the outgoing president, and will continue on the Executive Committee as past president.

“The Community Foundation is fortunate to be led by a very engaged group of individuals who believe strongly in our mission and are committed to it,” said Patrick Heraghty, CFNEM executive director. “Our board represents our communities in geography, as well as through many different professional and personal aspects, and their leadership is invaluable.”

CFNEM’s new president, Debra Kruttlin, lives in Harrisville with her husband Dennis. After receiving her degree in Elementary Education from Central Michigan University in 1973, she began teaching at Alcona Community Schools. Now retired, she still spends time volunteering, having worked with a group of volunteers to reopen the school’s library until the COVID-19 pandemic shut it down last year. She also served as treasurer for the Michigan Education Association.

Kruttlin says she is proud of the way CFNEM works to accomplish its mission, and how it responded to the unique set of challenges presented with the COVID-19 pandemic.

“The CFNEM director, staff and board quickly sought ways to meet the pandemic challenges our communities faced. We worked together remotely for the health and safety of our community and to ensure continuity of operations,” Kruttlin said. “Committee and board meetings continued to work online, awarding grants and scholarships. Giving Tuesday set a new record for donations to our nonprofit partners. A new Urgent Needs Fund was established. This fund was started with $40,000 of unrestricted CFNEM funds and grew to $159,000 because of the generosity of businesses and donors across our nine-county service area.”

Kruttlin added that while it is impossible to predict how events will unfold in the days ahead, she wants people to know they can count on CFNEM to support the needs of all who live in and call Northeast Michigan “home.”

“We are living in challenging and uncertain times,” said Kruttlin. “I have no doubt that CFNEM will continue to seek solutions knowing that we are stronger and more resilient together. I am very honored and proud to be a part of this organization and look forward to what we can accomplish in the future.”

John MacMaster, of Harrisville, completed his third three-year term in March 2021. Youth Trustee Evan Carlson completed his two-year term on the CFNEM Board, with Leah Themel taking over the position for the next year. Rebekah Carlson, of Alpena, will join the board as youth trustee-elect.


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