
Girl Scouts give basket to baby to celebrate Scouts birthday

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For many years the Girl Scouts of St. Paul Lutheran Church in Alpena have given away a yearly gift basket. This gift basket is made up for the first baby girl born on March 12th to help celebrate the Girl Scout birthday. Girl Scouts was founded by Juliette Gordon Low 109 years ago. The recipient of the gift basket this year is Grace Katherine Llewellyn. She was born a few days after the 12th and is the daughter of Rev. Joseph and Melissa Llewellyn. Pictured in front of the gift table are representatives from each level of Scouts that meet at St Paul Lutheran Church. Odessa Morrison represents Brownie Troop 992, Hannah Stauffer represents Junior Troop 2313, Josslyn Scott represents Daisy Troop 8610 and Samantha Schaap represents Cadette/Senior Troop 1033. Troop leader Trudy Mousseau donated and dressed the Daisy Girl Scout Doll. The Scouts enjoy this time of collecting gifts and presenting them to a possible future Girl Scout. Rev. Joseph Llewellyn is the pastor of St. Paul Lutheran Church of Hubbard Lake.


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