
Shields and Edwinson engaged

Marisa Edwinson and Drew Shields

Drew Shields and Marisa Edwinson, both of Erie, Colorado, have announced their wedding engagement.

Marisa is the daughter of Chris and Irma Edwinson of Aurora, Colorado.

The groom is the son of Kurt and Diane Shields of Alpena, Michigan.

Marisa graduated from the University of Colorado in 2018 with a bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering. Marisa now works as a software engineer on advanced space systems for Lockheed Martin near Denver, Colorado.

Drew graduated from Alpena High School in 2014 and from the University of Michigan in 2018 with a bachelor’s degree in Aerospace Engineering. Drew now works as a systems engineer on advanced space systems for Lockheed Martin near Denver, Colorado.

The couple is planning a May 26, 2022 destination wedding.


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