
Art Vision Alpena dedicates ‘The River Intertwined’

News Photo by Julie Riddle August Matuzak, member of Art Vision Alpena, on Sunday speaks to a crowd at the dedication of “The River Intertwined,” a newly installed sculpture on the Alpena Bi-Path in Washington Avenue Park. The 16-foot, hand-forged sculpture is the newest addition to the Alpena Bi-Path and part of Art Vision Alpena, a project of the Thunder Bay Arts Council.
News Photo by Julie Riddle A flautist entertains a crowd Sunday in Alpena at the dedication of a new sculpture, “The River Intertwined,” by artist Jacob Moss Idema.

August Matuzak, member of Art Vision Alpena, on Sunday speaks to a crowd at the dedication of “The River Intertwined,” a newly installed sculpture on the Alpena Bi-Path in Washington Avenue Park. The 16-foot, hand-forged sculpture is the newest addition to the Alpena Bi-Path and part of Art Vision Alpena, a project of the Thunder Bay Arts Council.


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