
Alpena Figure Skating Club to perform this weekend

Basic 1 skating to “Sesame Street” — In back are Instructors Julianne Cordes, Madelynn Cameron, Lexi Gembel, Alexa Blumenthal; In front are HannaLee Torz, Madelyn Pender, Trinley Barrigar, and Korah Cantle.
Basic 2B skating to “Spirit” — Scarlet Kraczak, Lucy Nowakowski, Instructor Hunter Ballor, Maisyn Cordes, and Nora Johnson.
Basic 3 skating to “ Hannah Montana” — Back row: Instructor Haley McKenzie, Gracie Kirker, and Instructor Abbey Ruby; Front row: Kennedy Kirschner, and Taryn Muth.
Basic 5 skating to “Happy Days” ­— In back are Instructors Lilly Gembel, Lillian Wood, and Mei Cook; in the middle row are Brynn Beatty, Lily Belanger, Torri Peck, and Shelby Brisbois; in front are Chloe Burnham, Reese Schefke, Olivia Nowakowski, and Piper Slominski.
Basic 6/Prefreestyle skating to “The Edge of Great” — Back row: Coach Breanna Schmanski, Jasmine Walker, Sierra Martin, Coach Addison Marceau, and Instructor Alicia Ballor; Front row: Natalie Dohm, Violet LaFleur, and Kaleigh Erickson.
Dance skating to “Cheers” — Back row: Ellie Badgero, Madelynn Cameron, Lilly Gembel, Graci Villeneuve, and Rielle Sanders; Front row: Lexi Gembel, Alexa Blumenthal, Abbey Ruby, and Lillan Wood.
Senior Spotlight skating to “Friends” — Alicia and Hunter Ballor.
Synchro skating to “Frozen”— Back row: Sierra Martin, Lilly Gembel, and Graci Villeneuve; Middle row: Jasmine Walker, Mei Cook, Alexa Blumenthal, Abbey Ruby, and Lillian Wood; Front row: Taylor Widajewski, Casey VanVolkenburg, Madelynn Cameron, Autumn Fournier, and Lexi Gembel.

Courtesy Photos

The Alpena Figure Skating Club will present its annual ice show at 7 p.m. on Friday, and at 1 p.m. and 7 p.m. on Saturday, at Northern Lights Arena in Alpena. Tickets are $10 for adults and $5 for students. This year’s theme is AFSC’s TV Guide.


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