
Healthy lifestyle series next week

Vicki Griffin

ALPENA — Strength through the Storm is a series of healthy lifestyle sessions starting at 7 p.m. on Monday. Sessions will also be held at 7 p.m. Tuesday and Thursday, and at 11 a.m. on Saturday, April 30.

All sessions will be held in-person at Alpena Community College’s Granum Theatre, 665 Johnson St.

The storms of life — we all have them. What does it take to heal brain/body systems overwhelmed by stress, chronic ailments, bad habits, and conflicting health information? Discover powerful, practical, evidence-based tools for renewal of hope, recovery of health, and restoration of purpose-filled living.

Guest speaker and teacher Vicki Griffin, MA, Human Nutrition, MPA, is the director of Lifestyle Matters, the creator of the Lifestyle Matters Health Intervention Series, the editor of Balance Magazine, and the author of “Living Free, Foods for Thought, and Simple Solutions — Diet and Stress.” She lectures and teaches worldwide on the relationship between lifestyle and stress, brain health, and chronic disease.

Mind/Body Connections

In the opening session at 7 p.m. on Monday, learn about Mind/Body Connections: Nutrition’s Link with Mood, Memory, Learning, and Behavior.

Whatever your age, when it comes to beating bad habits, building a better brain, and increasing overall health energy, brain-body connections matter. Learn how to build better habits, overcome powerful cravings, restore appetite control, and improve immune health, for good.

Depression: Beating the Blues

The second session, at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, will cover Depression: Lifestyle Keys for Beating the Blues.

Adults, teens, and children are experiencing an uptick in depression. Depression has been described in part as an inflammatory condition characterized by a loss of connections, in the brain and in life. Discover powerful tools for renewal of hope, restoration of mental function, and recovery of health in this busy world.

Best Weight Basics

At 7 p.m. on Thursday, hear about From Wanting to Winning: Best Weight Basics.

When it comes to weight management, mood, cravings, and appetite control, the battle is for the brain, not the bulge. Learn how to stay the course and create a culture of wellness for yourself, your family, and your friends in a fast-food world. Learn simple but powerful strategies to not only achieve but maintain your healthy weight, curb cravings, and beat addictions.

Mind Set Matters

Saturday’s session starts at 11 a.m., followed by a garden-healthy lunch. The session, Mind Set Matters, will help you discover how to develop a mindset for overcoming obstacles. Learn the steps for developing a “can do” outlook, and how to develop the mental mettle to stay the course for long-term success.

These sessions will provide you with informative lectures with interactive features, as well as offering tasty and healthy food tips for people on the go. Food, fun and prizes will be offered in a relaxed setting. Participants will receive practical handouts and session materials. There will be personalized lifestyle question and answer segments.

Lifestyle Matters is a blended message ministry program supported by the Michigan Conference of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. For more information, resources, recipes, videos and more, visit lifestylematters.com.

How to register: AttendSeminar.live/Strength


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