
Rotondi and Wierzbicki engaged to marry

Patrick Rotondi and Natalie Wierzbicki

Natalie Carol Wierzbicki and Patrick Stephen Rotondi announce their engagement to be married on Saturday, October 8, 2022 at Lake Tahoe, Tahoe City, California.

Natalie is the daughter of Ken and Jennifer Wierzbicki of Alpena. Patrick is the son of Alana Green of Shelton, Connecticut.

Natalie is a 2004 graduate of Alpena High School, 2009 graduate of Northern Michigan University, and a 2020 graduate of the University of Nevada. She is a sixth and eighth grade science teacher at Incline Village, Nevada, on Lake Tahoe.

Patrick is a 2003 graduate of Joel Barlow High School, and a 2008 graduate of Castleton College. He is a heavy machinery equipment operator for Q and D Construction Company in Reno, Nevada.


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