
‘And Then There Were None’ continues Thursday through Sunday

Courtesy Photo by Bronwyn Woolman Standing, from left, William Blore (Alex Czarnecki), Philip Lombard (Joey Lanier), Sir Lawrence Wargrave (Bill Powell), Vera Claythorne (Isabel Luther), and General Mackenzie (Matt Southwell) express shock and grave concern over the death of Anthony Marston (Lucas Moquin), after Dr. Armstrong (Bri Lubbers), crouching at right, confirms that he no longer has a pulse in “And Then There Were None” at Alpena Civic Theatre.

ALPENA — Imagine that the weekend getaway you’ve been invited to on a private island has just turned into murderous mayhem, and the suspect could be somewhere in your midst.

That’s what the characters are dealing with in Agatha Christie’s classic murder mystery “And Then There Were None,” continuing at 7:30 p.m. Thursday through Saturday, and at 2 p.m. Sunday at Alpena Civic Theatre.

Directed by Jessica Luther and Lucas Moquin, “And Then There Were None” brings 10 strangers to Soldier Island, invited by a mysterious host who seems to know all of them, but remains elusive during their visit.

As the guests are getting to know each other and mingling over a few cocktails, a disembodied voice begins speaking to them all by name, listing their past sins ominously, bringing a sense of suspicion and uneasiness to the room. Who is talking? How do they know so much about us? Why are we really here?

A clue comes in the form of a riddle on the mantle, surrounded by tiny soldier figurines, who start going missing and ending up in strange places, one by one.

Then, the first mysterious death occurs, which some suggest was self-induced poisoning, but others state it had to be the work of a murderer … but whom?

At first, the culprit could have been any of the 10, but as they slowly drop off, one by one, panic escalates in those left on the island, wondering how they can escape before they become the next victim. The island has no boat and no phone line to the outside world. It’s really a perfect setup by a certain criminal mastermind.

The cast includes Doug Niergarth, Dani Ayotte, Lucas Moquin, Isabel Luther, Joey Lanier, Alex Czarnecki, Matt Southwell, Kristin Loughery, Bill Powell, and Bri Lubbers.

Niergarth plays Rogers, the dignified butler who welcomes guests and takes care of their needs, with the help of his frail wife, Ethel Rogers, played by Ayotte.

Moquin plays both Fred Narracott, a sailor who makes deliveries to Soldier Island and transports passengers there, and the self-absorbed Anthony Marston, a rich, athletic, handsome young man who likes to drive recklessly and seems to lack a conscience, but enjoys a good, stiff drink.

Isabel Luther plays Vera Claythorne, a former governess who comes to Soldier Island to serve as a secretary to Mrs. Owen. She is sweet, smart, savvy, and suspicious of others’ behavior and motives.

Lanier plays the bold and cunning Philip Lombard, a mysterious, confident, and resourceful man who served as a mercenary soldier in Africa.

Czarnecki plays William Blore, a former police inspector. Blore is a well-built man whose experience often inspires others to look to him for advice.

Southwell plays General Mackenzie, the oldest guest. MacKenzie is accused of sending a lieutenant, Arthur Richmond, to his death during World War I because Richmond was his wife’s lover.

Loughery plays Emily Brent, an old, ruthlessly religious woman who reads her Bible daily. Brent feels convinced of her own righteousness and does not express the slightest remorse for her actions.

Powell plays the intelligent and commanding Sir Lawrence Wargrave, a recently retired judge.

Lubbers plays Dr. Armstrong, a gullible, slightly timid doctor with extensive medical knowledge.

The crew includes Stage Manager Dani Ayotte, Technical Director and Scenic Designer Jason Luther, Producer Carol Rundell, Lighting Designer Jay Kettler, Sound Designer Andrew MacNeill, Light and Sound Operator Jackie Herbert, and Costumers Mary Ann Crawford, Herbert, and Marilyn Kettler.

Call 989-354-3624 to reserve tickets, or visit the Alpena Civic Theatre Box Office, 401 River St., Alpena.


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