
Alpena Civic Theatre announces shows, auditions

News Photo by Darby Hinkley Alpena Civic Theatre is located at 401 River St., seen in this photo taken today in Alpena.

ALPENA — Alpena Civic Theatre announces its 2024-25 season lineup, as well as upcoming auditions for its fall show.

“Young Frankenstein, The Musical” will be directed by Julie Meyers. It is slated to run Oct. 24 through Nov. 3. Auditions are set for 6 to 8 p.m. on Monday, June 24, and Tuesday, June 25 at ACT, 401 River St., Alpena.

“It’s My Wedding Dear Grandpa” will be directed by Scott Edgar, with show dates Jan. 16 through 26, 2025.

“Steel Magnolias” will be directed by Bill Powell, showing March 13 through 23, 2025.

“Once Upon a Mattress” will be directed by Kirstine Furtaw and Nan Hall, showing May 1 through 11, 2025.

Shows are at 7:30 p.m. Thursday through Saturday, and at 2 p.m. on Sunday.

Season ticket information will be released soon.


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