
Joel Kendzorski elected as Knights of Columbus State Warden

Courtesy Photo Joel Kendzorski and his wife, JanMarie Kendzorski, are pictured here.

POSEN — Joel Kendzorski, a parishioner of Saint Dominic’s Church in Metz and a member of the Posen Knights of Columbus Council 6657, has been elected to the position of State Warden for the Michigan State Board of Officers of the Knights of Columbus at its recent annual convention on Mackinaw Island. This is the first time in over 50 years that a Knight of Columbus member from the Diocese of Gaylord has been elected to the State Board.

“It’s the greatest honor to represent the Diocese of Gaylord and the Knights of Columbus of Michigan”, Kendzorski said.

The Knights of Columbus are inspired to do the mission and ministry of Jesus Christ in our parishes and their charitable endeavors through the local councils. The Knights of Columbus do countless contributions to Diocese of Gaylord charities as well as those in the entire state.

As a member of the State Board of Michigan Knights of Columbus it will be Kendzorski’s honor to serve his brother knights in the Gaylord Diocese as well as the entire Michigan jurisdiction for the next 12 years. Knights of Columbus councils do provide great opportunities to men and their families to be more active and involved in the practice of their Catholic faith and participation in charitable activities.

Kendzorski will begin his new responsibilities to the Knights of Columbus on July 1, 2024. The primary responsibility of the State Warden is to ensure that the State Board and all Knights of Columbus Councils are in compliance with protocol of the order.

Joel Kendzorski and his wife, JanMarie, live in Hawks, and they have four children and 13 grandchildren.

He wants to personally thank all the Knights of Columbus members and his election committee “Faith is a Mountain” whose dedication and support enabled him to win statewide office.


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