

Mariachi instruments and hats are seen in this photo. Thunder Bay Arts will partner with Mango’s Tequila Bar to present a Summer Fiesta on Sunday in downtown Alpena.

Child and Family Services NEMI Carnival June 30

OSSINEKE — Child and Family Services of Northeast Michigan is hosting its 3rd Annual Carnival from noon to 5 p.m. on Sunday, June 30. There will be games, raffles, food, vendors, prizes, a live performer, and more at this family-friendly event at Shin-ga-ba Shores, Ossineke.

CCHS Class of 1963 to meet

ALPENA — The Catholic Central High School Class of 1963 will meet on Saturday, July 6. The gathering will start with 4 p.m. mass at St. Anne’s, followed by dinner at The 19th Hole. RSVP to Donna Hein at 989-884-9462.

Living Hope rummage sale today, Saturday in Alpena

ALPENA — Living Hope Church will hold a rummage sale from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. today and from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Saturday, at 1499 M-32 in Alpena.

Proceeds from the sale will support the construction of the new Living Hope Children’s Worship Center at the church.

Summer Fiesta changed to Sunday based on weather

ALPENA — Thunder Bay Arts has changed the date of its upcoming Summer Fiesta. The event was originally scheduled for Saturday, but has been changed to Sunday, based on weather predictions for the weekend.

TBA is partnering with Mango’s Tequila Bar to bring this fun event to the community. It will feature food, family fun, a live mariachi band, and more.

Pinata fun will begin at 3:30 p.m. on Sunday, and the band will play from 5 to 8 p.m. This outdoor event will be held in the 2nd Avenue Alley in downtown Alpena.

This event is made possible with support from Besser Foundation, Michigan Arts and Culture Council, the National Endowment for the Arts, TBA patrons, and Mango’s.


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