Alpha Xi Chapter of DKG held September meeting
ALPENA — New Co-president Beckie Thomson opened the September 18th meeting of the Alpha Xi Chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma, a society of women educators. The group met at the Long Rapids First Congregational Church in Lachine for a dinner meeting and program.
After dinner, guest speaker Christine Witulski, executive director of the Besser Museum for Northeast Michigan, spoke to the group about the ongoing renovations at the museum. The new 11 exhibits spanning our Northeast Michigan history is scheduled to open in December. Members voted to make a $250 contribution to this project from the organization’s savings and encouraged members to donate individually to reach a total of $500. The contributions collected exceeded the targeted amount.
The business meeting followed with a budget presentation, recruitment of volunteers to welcome guests at Green School during Harvest Days, new teacher grants and staff support ideas for 2024-2025 school year.
The group’s next meeting will be held at 5 p.m. on Wednesday, Oct. 23 at Alpena Community College.