

Author visit planned at Olivet Book and Gift canceled

ALPENA — A planned book signing event featuring children’s book author Robert Swift at Olivet Book and Gift in downtown Alpena has been canceled. Swift was to visit Olivet Saturday but will no longer appear.

Republicans to meet Oct. 10

ALPENA — The Alpena County Republican Party will hold a meeting at 6 p.m. on Thursday, Oct. 10 in the Alpena Community College Center Building, Room 106.

At the meeting, Dr. Bob Turek will speak about proposed housing in Alpena County.

Bridge results announced

ALPENA — Alpena Duplicate Bridge Club has announced results for this week. Gordon Bennett and Marge French placed first, followed by Ron Young and Jan Kane in second, and Deanna Brege and Linda Clegg in third.

The group meets at 12:30 p.m. on Mondays. For more information, call 989-595-5119 or 989-354-2306.

Women’s event at New Life

ALPENA — All women and young women, junior high age and up, are warmly invited to a gathering from 9 a.m. to noon on Saturday, Oct. 19. This Mug and Muffin event is organized by WOVEN (Women of Victory Experiencing Newness) at New Life Christian Fellowship, 317 S. Ripley Blvd., Alpena. Brenda Rost and Beckie LaMay will be sharing a powerful message. Bring your Bible. A light brunch will be served. There is no cost for this event. For more information, call 354-0095, or visit facebook.com/ALPENAWOVEN or visitnewlifealpena.org.


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