

Discover Scouting event Sunday in Alpena

ALPENA — A Discover Scouting event will be held from 4 to 8 p.m. on Sunday for Cub Scout Pack 3092 of Alpena, at the old Aces building, 600 Pinecrest St., Alpena.

Come see what Alpena Scouting has to offer your family. Boys, girls, and adults are welcome to try out the obstacle course, shoot water bottle rockets, and participate in other fun activities. This event will be held rain or shine.

There will be a free meal from The Smoking Trolls food truck, and donations are welcome. Adults interested in volunteering are always welcome. For more information, email pack3092alpena@gmail.com, or call or text Paige at 231-724-0391.

Dinner Oct. 17 at Spratt Church

LACHINE — A soup, sandwich, dessert, and beverage dinner will be held from 5 to 7 p.m. on Thursday, Oct. 17 at Spratt United Methodist Church, presented by the ladies of the church. The cost is $12 per adult, and free for children age 12 and younger. The church is located on M-65 South in Lachine, one mile south of Werth Road.

Craft show Oct. 19 at First United Methodist Church

ALPENA — First United Methodist Church in Alpena will host a craft show on Saturday, Oct. 19.

The event will be held from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the church, 167 S. Ripley Boulevard. There will be a bake sale and a luncheon available. Proceeds will go toward the church’s general fund.

For more information, call Pat at 989-657-5561.

Bridge results announced

ALPENA — Alpena Duplicate Bridge Club results have been announced for this week, with Marge French and Dale Middleditch in first place. Beverley Rousseau and Marcy Sherman placed second, followed by Deanna Brege and Jane Kane in third.

The group meets at 12:30 p.m. each Monday. For more information, call 989-595-5119 or 989-354-2306.

Metz Fire Story Swap Sat.

POSEN — The Metz Fire Story Swap will be held at 2 p.m. Saturday at St. Peter Lutheran Church Parish Hall, 2045 E. Metz Highway. Coffee and cookies will be served. Bring a friend and come hear and tell stories about the Metz Fire.

Lumberjack Breakfast to help Ocqueoc Outdoor Center

ONAWAY — A Lumberjack Breakfast will be held from 9 a.m. to noon Saturday at the Ocqueoc Outdoor Center, 7142 Ocqueoc Lake Road, Millersburg.

This is a fundraiser for the Ocqueoc Outdoor Center, sponsored by Friends of Ocqueoc Outdoor Center. Tickets are $10 in advance, or $12 at the door. For advance tickets, call Mary Ann at 989-351-9700. There will be a silent auction, camp tours, and a bake sale. Attendees are encouraged to wear flannel shirts.


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