
Be kind … always

Let's Get Organized

Doris Puls

Just this morning I saw a teenager with a shirt that said, “It’s a be kind kinda day.” Everywhere you look it seems like this is a theme going around. That theme of “Be kind” can also be applied to all of us in our homes and be applied to organizing and decluttering.

In no special order, be kind:

¯ when your children make messes. They don’t always try to, and sometimes are not capable of cleaning up after themselves.

¯ when someone leaves an unfinished project out.

¯ when clothes are thrown around the room and not hung up.

¯ and deal with your clothes especially if you know it bothers someone you love.

¯ when you want to do an organizing job with someone and they don’t want you.

¯ when you know something bothers someone else and you can do something about it.

¯ when family members are not as neat as you are.

¯ when you go to someone’s home and it’s messy.

¯ to yourself and give yourself breaks.

¯ if someone has difficulty making decisions about what to keep or not.

¯ if you live with a perfectionist. Be kind and communicate with each other.

¯ to those who may not have the self-discipline to stay organized.

¯ to those who are overwhelmed and do not know where to start decluttering.

¯ and help those who need help.

¯ and be positive in dealing with others.

¯ with the possessions of others. They may not be sentimental to you, but they may be to someone else.

¯ and help each other make your home what you want it to be.

¯ and think of others before yourself. If everyone does that, everyone will be happy.

¯ to yourself if you live alone. Not everything has to be perfect.

The list can go on indefinitely of ways to show kindness in your home. What other ideas did you think of as you read this?

Doris Puls, of D & O Decluttering and Organizing, is a professional organizer whose mission is to make a difference in the lives of the people she works with in homes and businesses. Contact her at organizealpena@gmail.com or at 989-356-9545.


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