
Hillman Buck Pole Friday

HILLMAN — The Hillman Area Chamber of Commerce will host a buck pole contest on Friday, which is opening day of firearm deer season.

The Hillman Buck Pole will be open from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. at Patchwood Plaza, 14797 State Street South, Hillman.

Gun package prizes will be awarded for the largest antlers, largest antlers by a woman, and largest antlers in the youth division, ages 16 and younger. Prizes will also be given for most number of points over one inch (shoulder mount), heaviest buck by a man ($100), heaviest buck by a woman ($100), and heaviest buck by a youth ($100). The next six heaviest bucks will also receive prizes.

All bucks must be shot in the Hillman area within 30 miles.

There will also be a 50/50 raffle, with the drawing at 7 p.m., and you do not need to be present to win. Students will also be hosting a bake sale during the event.

If you have questions, call the Hillman Area Chamber of Commerce at 989-742-3739. Visit the chamber website at hillmanchamber.org.

Sponsors include Allband Communication, Cordes Forest and Farm, LLC, Fochtmans Carquest, Presque Isle Electric and Gas Co-op, Montmorency Title (a member of Lighthouse Group), and Weiland Excavating and Snowplowing.

Prize donors include the Hillman Area Chamber of Commerce, A-1 Woods and Waters, Inc., Patchwood Products, Inc., Horizons Taxidermy, LLC, Don’s Tractor and Equipment Sales, D’s Honda Sales and Service, Bernard Building Center, Top O’ Michigan Insurance, A-1 Party Store, Alpena Beverage, Huron Distributors, Inc., Hillman Self Storage, and Sparky’s Clubhouse.


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