
Public Works plow truck name voting now through Monday

News File Photo A City of Alpena plow truck is seen downtown. Names have been narrowed down, and the public can now vote to name the city's seven trucks.

ALPENA — Across the U.S., many communities have begun to name the plow trucks that keep their community streets cleared of snow and safe to travel. These programs allow for communities to have a sense of ownership above and beyond capital purchases that utilize their tax dollars.

Doug Roznowski, Alpena’s fleet manager, suggested that the City of Alpena also name its plow trucks. In October, the city asked the public to submit suggestions to name the city’s seven plow trucks currently in service.

After the submission of over 150 names, the City of Alpena Public Works Department employees and the selection committee narrowed down the options to the following names:

∫ A Little Salty

∫ Apocalypse Plow

∫ Beaty and the Blade

∫ Betty Whiteout

∫ Blizzard Buster

∫ Ctrl+Salt+Delete

∫ Darth Blader

∫ Driveway Filler

∫ Gordie Plow

∫ No Mo’ Sno’

∫ Precipitation Police

∫ Scoop Dog

∫ Scraping By

∫ Sledder Vedder

∫ Slush Slayer

∫ Snow Motion

∫ The White Knight.

It’s now time for the public to have their say. Now through 8 a.m. Monday, residents can cast their votes for their favorite name from the list. Participants will have the opportunity to vote for seven names for the city’s seven primary trucks.

To vote, visit the City of Alpena website at alpena.mi.us, click on the Public Works Plow Truck Naming link, and use the QR code on that page to cast your vote.

The city appreciates everyone who submitted names and looks forward to announcing the final truck names soon.


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