
Blue Knights donate to local animal shelters, victim advocates

Courtesy Photo Above, representatives from Blue Knight Chapter XIII present a check to the Alcona Humane Society.
Courtesy Photo Above, representatives from Blue Knight Chapter XIII present a check to the Elk Country Animal Shelter in Atlanta.
Courtesy Photo The Blue Knight Chapter for Northeast Michigan, based in Harrisville, recently donated to the Alcona County Victim Advocates. Above, representatives from Blue Knight Chapter XIII present a check to the Alcona County Victim Advocates.

HARRISVILLE — The Blue Knights is an international organization with chapters worldwide.

The Blue Knight Chapter for Northeast Michigan is Chapter XIII, based out of Harrisville.

It is a nonprofit benevolent club comprised of active and retired law enforcement officers. The chapter’s president is an active sergeant with the Alcona County Sheriff’s Department, Scott McKenzie.

The club voted this year to give donations to three organizations, Alcona County Humane Society, Alcona County Victim Advocates, and the Elk Country Animal Shelter in Atlanta.


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