
Christmas Bird Count this week

ALPENA ­– Thunder Bay Audubon Society will soon be conducting the annual Christmas Bird Count in the Alpena and Hubbard Lake area.

Feeder counters are especially needed. You can count the birds in your own backyard or at your feeders.

The Hubbard Lake count is on Thursday, and the Alpena count is on Saturday.

Anyone wanting to participate and get outdoors during this time of year and help with the count may contact Lynn Field for the Hubbard Lake count at lynnshaunafield@gmail.com, or Andrew Wolfgang for the Alpena count at a19wolfgang@gmail.com.

Backyard bird counters are asked to send their information to Dana Howard at ducks6511@gmail.com.

On these two days, you may find cars driving slowly and perhaps looking out the window with binoculars. You are probably spotting a birder just counting birds for this annual event.

Visit the Thunder Bay Audubon Society website for local information and to be more involved. You can join your local Audubon group: thunderbayaudubon.com. This is a great learning experience for any and all age groups.

The National Audubon website has information with the history of the Christmas Bird Count at audubon.org/conservation/join-christmas-bird-count.


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