
Christmas Wish List deadline extended; donors still needed

ALPENA — The Christmas Wish List has been extended, with many recipients still left needing to be matched to donors. Phone lines are now open seven days a week until the conclusion of this program. To be matched with a family or child, call 586-703-4019. If lines are busy, please leave a voicemail and your call will be returned.

Through the Christmas Wish List, United Way of Northeast Michigan matches generous donors with the specific wishes of needy children in our community. The families of hundreds of local children are struggling financially during this time of year.

The following are typical requests from children on the list:

¯ Timothy, 10, M, shirt, sweatpants, pillow;

¯ Jackson, 12, M, sheets, shirt, sweatpants;

¯ Abigail, 8, F, snowpants, winter boots, hat and gloves;

¯ Jane, 6, F, hat, gloves, sweatpants, shirts, loves pink;

¯ John, 17, M, jeans, gloves, socks.

To be matched with one of these or a similar child or family, please call 586-703-4019. Again, phone lines are now open seven days a week until all recipients are matched. Please make sure you are matched with a child before purchasing items.

If you prefer not to shop, your cash donation will allow the United Way staff to purchase needed items as well as food baskets and grocery gift cards. Please send donations to United Way of Northeast Michigan, 108 Water Street, Alpena, MI 49707.

United Way of Northeast Michigan works with the Salvation Army, Marine Corps Toys for Tots, and the Vietnam Vets Toys for Kids programs to ensure that services are not duplicated. This safeguards donors’ funds and ensures that all who need services are provided for.

Please return gifts to the Alpena-Montmorency-Alcona Educational Service Distrist Central Office on U.S.-23 South, across from Taco Bell between 8:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday through Thursday and between 8:30 a.m. and 6 p.m. Friday, now through Friday, Dec. 13.


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