
Goyette Mechanical honors Lincoln man

Courtesy Photo Lincoln’s Arnie Cordes, left, the John Colberg Award winner as Oscoda Technician of the Year, poses with Manager Everett Haske in this undated photo provided by Goyette Mechanical.

Goyette Mechanical has announced its 2024 Excellence in Service Award winners.

Each award is voted on by the Service Management Team and given to employees that reach certifications benchmarks and exemplify excellence in customer service, professionalism, and technical ability.

Lincoln resident Arnie Cordes has been awarded the John Colberg award as the Oscoda Service Technician of the Year.

Cordes has continually shown the highest level of professionalism and expertise in his trade. Oscoda Manager Everett Haske said that Cordes “always goes the extra mile to make sure our customers receive 100% satisfaction.”

Leif Johnson, general manager for Goyette Mechanical, said 2024 “has been a good year for the company and we are grateful for professional technicians like Arnie. All of our award winners have displayed an uncompromised commitment to quality, integrity, and work ethic, which exemplifies the very essence of what Goyette Mechanical strives to be. Goyette would not be the company it is today without team members like them.”


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