
Lifesaving efforts honored

Courtesy Photo From left to right in the front row, Alpena Mayor Cindy Johnson, Jane Roose, Brandy LaPine, Alpena County 911 dispatcher Pam Susan, emergency medical technician Bryce Gill, paramedic Cain Makowski, and Fire Chief Rob Edmonds, and, from left to right in the back row, Andy Perrin, paramedic Rich Lichtenfelt, Capt./paramedic Brett Miller, Lt./paramedic Doug Krueger, and paramedic Caleb Borchard pose for a photo at Alpena City Hall on Monday. Not pictured are Chad Wright, Josh Smith, Becky Thompson, or Alpena County 911 dispatchers Mckenna Schafer and Taylor Friday.

There are six components to the “chain of survival,” as identified by the American Heart Association: early recognition/activation of the emergency medical system, high quality CPR, early access defibrillation, advanced resuscitation, post cardiac arrest care, and patient recovery.

Each of those components were put into action resulting in a positive outcome on Nov. 2 for Alan Smith.

The event unfolded as follows; Family and friends were gathered to celebrate Smith’s 80th birthday with a crowd of about 150 people at the APlex. During the event, Smith suddenly and unexpectedly lost consciousness and collapsed into Derrick and Tom Hilberg’s arms.

He was lowered into a chair and then to the ground because he was unresponsive. People called 911 immediately, and dispatch personnel began taking the call and giving treatment instructions until emergency medical services arrived.

Brandie LaPine, a registered nurse, took the lead and began CPR with Andy Perrin assisting in the resuscitation efforts.

Jane Roose, Chad Wright, and Josh Smith scrambled to locate and gain access to an automated external defibrillator (AED) located within the facility.

Contact was made with APlex employee Beckie Thomson, who had a defibrillator available and gave it to Wright, who ran it to where CPR was being performed.

The AED pads were applied to Alan Smith, defibrillation was indicated by the device, and defibrillation was initiated by the layperson rescuers.

Once Alpena Fire Department personnel arrived, care was handed off, CPR continued, and advanced life support procedures were performed by the six shift personnel who responded that day.

The advanced care led to the patient resuming an organized cardiac rhythm, with good pulses and improving vital signs while still on scene at the APlex.

Alan Smith was prepared for transport to the MyMichigan Medical Center Alpena emergency department for additional definitive care and treatment. He was subsequently transferred to Munson Medical Center, where a defibrillator/pacemaker was implanted, and recovery care could begin.

Without the quick actions by the resident rescuers to start all of the other components into motion, Alan Smith may not be here today to continue to enjoy life in its fullest capacity with friends and family.

That is one example of how all of the components, working as they should, made a difference that November day.

Earning a Civilian Life Saving Citation from the city on Monday were Brandy LaPine, Andy Perrin, Jane Roose, Chad Wright, Josh Smith, and Becky Thompson, and 911 dispatchers Pam Susan, Mckenna Schafer, and Taylor Friday were recognized with a Lifesaving Citation. The city also honored paramedic Cain Makowski, EMT Bryce Gill, paramedic Caleb Borchard, paramedic Richard Lichtenfelt, Lt./paramedic Doug Krueger, and Capt./paramedic Brett Miller.


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