
Small changes can lead to a better year

Darby Hinkley

Here we are again, at the end of a very eventful year. As you look back, I hope you remember the good things you’ve personally accomplished, and congratulate yourself for your wins. There are plenty of difficulties in the world, but I encourage you to focus on the positive, and the things within your control.

Moving forward to 2025, I’m trying to decide which New Year’s resolutions I will make this year. But, this time, I’m going to make them a little more realistic. And by realistic, I mean things that are measurable and attainable, one day at a time. By making small, daily changes, you will create better, healthier habits, and, this time next year, you can look back and be proud of what you’ve done.

Here are the resolutions I’ve come up with so far:

Wake up earlier. This is a somewhat easy habit to start, but with it comes going to bed earlier, and I love nighttime. I have developed a bad habit of staying up too late, sometimes past midnight. And for no good reason, really. This past month, I’ve been watching Christmas movies every night, and many of the Hallmark-type ones are only 90 minutes, so I just start another one and keep staying up. Then, I’m so surprised every morning when I’m too tired to get up. What a shocker!

Spend quiet time with God each morning. I’ve been opening up the Bible app first thing in the morning, alongside my coffee, and it has really been helping me go about my day with the right mindset. I read the daily scripture, then I look up a devotional on a topic I’m struggling with at that moment, from anxiety to anger, and anything in between. Thanking God for all I have, and asking him to help me handle my day really gives me peace as I trust that he is in control, and I am not. He will handle what seems too big for me.

Be more organized. During the crazy hustle and bustle of the Christmas season, I end up getting more done in a month than I have all year, it seems. It’s chaotic and exhausting, but I get it all done, somehow, every year. This year, I wrapped 90 presents. Last year, I wrapped 154! I keep track so I can see my progress. The deadline of Christmas Eve keeps me on my toes, and I need to set new deadlines for myself throughout the year so I get more done each month. I know I’m capable of it. I need to declutter my house (my bedroom, mainly, where no guests are allowed).

Incorporate exercise into my routine. I’ve gotten out of the habit of exercising daily. I used to run six days a week, then I switched to walking, and I’ve been so busy lately that I haven’t made time for it. Winter is a tough time to walk outside, so I’ll be heading back to the gym in January.

Give more grace. Everyone can use a little more grace and forgiveness. It’s so easy to blame others when things go wrong, but we are all human, and we make mistakes. We have emotions, and sometimes they get the best of us. This grace applies to others, and to myself. It’s not selfish to give yourself grace. It can be harder than giving others grace, especially if you have perfectionist tendencies like I do. Over the years, I’ve learned that I don’t have to be perfect, as long as I try my best. The best you can do is all you can do, and if you put in your best effort, you not only feel good about yourself, but your work may have impacted others in a positive way, as well.

I think five resolutions is enough for now. Establishing new daily habits can seem overwhelming at first, but if you break it down, and complete tasks one by one, you’ll be closer to a better you in no time! Each day is a fresh start. Don’t give up on your goals, but do give yourself grace if you miss a day or two as you head into the new year. It’s OK to be human. Just remember to be kind to yourself and others. A year of new possibilities lies ahead!

Darby Hinkley was born and raised in Alpena. She is Lifestyles editor at The News. Reach her at 989-358-5691, or dhinkley@thealpenanews.com.


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