
Lead by example

Senior Attitudes

“A good example has twice the value of good advice.” ~ Albert Schweitzer

How true, today, months after I was a tourist in Poland. I have in my brain an image I saw. A young man stopped on the sidewalk across from a church. He blessed himself with no embarrassment or thought of who may be watching him. That vision is still with me.

It is imperative that we should show all around us how we should treat each other without embarrassment.

Our children have the ability to sometimes ignore what we say, but what we do is like a TV show, and it will stay with them.

When my grandson watched me put a dollar in a beggar’s hat, he said to me, “My mom says he will probably buy drugs with it.” I said, “Maybe, but maybe he will buy a hamburger.” He nodded and I knew he had gotten the message.

It is a very cold day today, and I am dressed warmly. I am in a house. The furnace is running, and I am drinking hot tea. Many are not, so I know I am blessed.

When you are out and about, think someone may be watching what you are doing. So it behooves us to be a good example.

We are in a country that, despite politicians, I love and I’m proud of. We live in a beautiful area. Let’s love each other and enjoy our life.


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