
Tutors needed for READ Program at Alpena County Library

Courtesy Photo Leslie Kirchoff and Pat Garant head up the READ Program at Alpena County Library. They are seeking volunteer tutors for the READ Program. Tutor training starts on Thursday at Alpena County Library.

ALPENA — Volunteer tutors are needed for the Alpena County Library’s READ Program.

Are you seeking a meaningful volunteer opportunity that allows you to make a difference in someone’s life? Do you enjoy learning and helping others achieve their goals? If so, the READ Program could be the perfect fit for you.

For more than 38 years, the READ Program has helped adults improve their skills and reach their learning goals. Here’s how you can get involved:

Support English Language Learners

Many adults join the READ Program to improve their English skills. Learners come from diverse backgrounds, including countries such as Japan, Vietnam, and Brazil. Tutors don’t need to speak another language to teach English — ACL’s training program provides all the tools you’ll need to succeed.

Assist with Basic Literacy

If you love reading and can’t imagine life without it, becoming a literacy tutor may be for you. Many adults in our community face challenges with low literacy, such as struggling to read instructions on medication bottles, doctors’ notes, or job applications. With access to a variety of resources, READ Program tutors help learners improve their reading skills, opening new opportunities in their lives.

Help Learners Prepare for the GED

Obtaining a GED or high school diploma is a critical step toward better employment and financial stability. READ Program tutors provide valuable assistance to adults preparing for their GED exams, equipping them with the skills and confidence to succeed.

What You Need to Know

No teaching experience is required to become a READ tutor. After completing the training, you’ll be matched with one learner, whom you’ll meet with weekly. Training sessions cover essential topics, including teaching adults to read, preparing learners for the GED, and working with English language learners.

READ Program training is free, and will be held from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. on the following days:

¯ Thursday, Jan. 16: Introduction to the READ Program

¯ Tuesday, Jan. 21: Basic Literacy 1

¯ Thursday, Jan. 23: Basic Literacy 2

¯ Tuesday, Jan. 28: ESL (English as a Second Language)

¯ Thursday, Jan. 30: GED

Training will be held in the Stillion Conference Room, upstairs at the library. Light refreshments and materials will be provided. To register, call 989-356-6188, ext. 15 or email readprogram@alpenalibrary.org.


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