
AAACU donates $3,000 to Friends Together

Courtesy Photo Pictured, Friends Together Executive Director Melissa Burns, center, receives a $3,000 donation from Alpena Alcona Area Credit Union.

ALPENA — Alpena Alcona Area Credit Union recently committed to sponsoring Friends Together with a $3,000 Sponsorship Campaign donation.

Friends Together is a local organization whose mission is to ensure that no one faces cancer alone. They provide support programs, resources, and services to cancer patients here in Northeast Michigan. Friends Together assists those affected by cancer with transportation to cancer care appointments and lodging when traveling for treatment. Their organization also hosts support groups for those living with cancer and their families.

AAACU is proud to be a sponsor of Friends Together and their goal to support those affected by cancer in the communities AAACU serves.

AAACU is a state-chartered credit union with membership eligibility open to any resident in the state of Michigan. As of Dec. 31, 2024, AAACU provides service to 47,873 members with total assets equal to $861,392,450.


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