
Gemini Moon concert Thursday at Alpena library

Courtesy Photo Casmira Draconid and Joe Chamberlin, of Gemini Moon, will perform a free concert at 6 p.m. on Thursday at the Alpena County Library.

ALPENA — Alpena County Library and WCMU Public Broadcasting present a free concert by Gemini Moon at 6 p.m. on Thursday at the library, 211 N. 1st Ave.

Gemini Moon delivers a dynamic mix of guitar-driven originals featuring both male and female lead vocals, along with harmonies that captivate. They also bring a fresh twist to classic rock and pop covers.

Drawing inspiration from 90s alternative, 60s/70s classic rock, and a rich blend of blues, pop, and folk from all eras, Gemini Moon creates a unique sound. Their music blends these influences into an energetic, welcoming, and vibrant space, with perfectly balanced tones and a mindful approach to volume.

Vocalist and guitarist Joe Chamberlin, having performed at music venues throughout the U.S. for more than a decade, brings his Hendrix-Frusciante-inspired riffs, and pop sensibilities with him into Gemini Moon.

Vocalist Casmira Draconid, having been born into a musical family, continues a long tradition in the arts, bringing their masterful prose and powerful voice to the songs of Gemini Moon.


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