
Gluesing speaks to Delta Kappa Gamma

Courtesy Photo Justin Gluesing, superintendent of Alpena-Montmorency-Alcona Educational Service District, speaks at a recent Delta Kappa Gamma, Alpha Xi Chapter meeting.

ALPENA — The Jan. 25 meeting of Delta Kappa Gamma, Alpha Xi Chapter, a society of women educators, was held at the First Presbyterian Church in Alpena. The event featured guest speaker, Justin Gluesing, superintendent of the Alpena-Montmorency-Alcona Educational Service District, who provided insights into alternative pathways to becoming a certified teacher.

With Michigan facing a critical shortage of educators, Gluesing highlighted several non-traditional routes to teacher certification beyond earning a degree from a college or university.

One such pathway is the Teachers of Tomorrow program, an alternative pathway which allows individuals with a bachelor’s degree and a qualifying GPA to enter the teaching profession. Participants are paired with a mentor, and after three years of successful teaching and completion of the necessary program requirements, they become eligible for full certification.

Another option is available through a grant awarded to AMA ESD in 2023, which helps current ISD and local staff members pursue teaching credentials. Those who qualify must complete online coursework through Western Governors University, Northern Michigan University, or Central Michigan University.

Gluesing also discussed Talent Together, the largest non-traditional certification program in Michigan. This initiative allows qualified candidates to take college courses and later work as a full-time paid apprentice in a classroom alongside a master teacher. After completing all program requirements, participants are eligible for certification.

If interested in these programs, contact Gluesing at the AMA ESD at 989-354-3101.

The next meeting of Delta Kappa Gamma, Alpha Xi Chapter, will be held on March 6 at the APlex in Alpena.


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