
PHOTO GALLERY: Alpena Ice Festival draws large crowd on snowy Saturday

News Photo by Darby Hinkley Amber Bertolino, dressed in a Grinch outfit featuring a green tutu, does a cannonball into the 32-degree pool of water on Saturday afternoon in the 17th annual Polar Plunge for Special Olympics, held in downtown Alpena. Bertolino raised $865 for Special Olympics. She was one of 57 plungers, and more than $22,000 was raised by those participants.
News Photo by Darby Hinkley Two-and-a-half-year-old Niko Gerow slides headfirst down a blue slide at the fourth annual Alpena Ice Festival at Mich-e-ke-wis Park.
News Photo by Darby Hinkley Many people took turns sitting on the ice throne at Culligan Plaza in downtown Alpena. Pictured, from left, are John Wysocki III, Robert Wysocki, Amelia Garant, and John Wysocki IV.
News Photo by Darby Hinkley Caroline Denlinger with Alpena Alcona Area Credit Union helps a child use a tool to carve his name into an ice sculpture at Mich-e-ke-wis Park during the Alpena Ice Festival.
News Photo by Darby Hinkley Even dogs were bundled up on Saturday at the Alpena Ice Festival. Pictured are Louie the pitbull, wearing pajamas, booties, and a coat, with owners Matt Seguin and Mariah Seguin in downtown Alpena.
News Photo by Darby Hinkley A tropical bird ice sculpture, sponsored by Holiday Inn Express, is seen at Culligan Plaza in downtown Alpena on Saturday during the Alpena Ice Festival.
News Photo by Darby Hinkley A lighthouse ice sculpture, sponsored by Target Alpena, is seen on Saturday at Culligan Plaza during the Alpena Ice Festival.
News Photo by Darby Hinkley Autumn Bildson, of Stone Art Studio, carves an ice sculpture of a lion's head on Saturday at Mich-e-ke-wis Park during the Alpena Ice Festival.
News Photo by Darby Hinkley Alpena Ice Festival attendees enjoy a horse-drawn wagon ride on Saturday at Mich-e-ke-wis Park during the Alpena Ice Festival. The horse-drawn wagon rides were provided by Dan Kirschner.
News Photo by Darby Hinkley The Alpena Police and Alpena Fire departments play in a broomball game on the ice on Saturday at Mich-e-ke-wis Park during the Alpena Ice Festival. The police team emerged victorious, beating the fire team 5 to 2, but it was a friendly game and fun for participants and spectators.
News Photo by Darby Hinkley News Photo by Darby Hinkley The Alpena Police and Alpena Fire departments play in a broomball game on the ice on Saturday at Mich-e-ke-wis Park during the Alpena Ice Festival. The police team emerged victorious, beating the fire team 5 to 2, but it was a friendly game and fun for participants and spectators.
News Photo by Darby Hinkley News Photo by Darby Hinkley The Alpena Police and Alpena Fire departments play in a broomball game on the ice on Saturday at Mich-e-ke-wis Park during the Alpena Ice Festival. The police team emerged victorious, beating the fire team 5 to 2, but it was a friendly game and fun for participants and spectators.
News Photo by Darby Hinkley News Photo by Darby Hinkley The Alpena Police and Alpena Fire departments play in a broomball game on the ice on Saturday at Mich-e-ke-wis Park during the Alpena Ice Festival. The police team emerged victorious, beating the fire team 5 to 2, but it was a friendly game and fun for participants and spectators.
News Photo by Darby Hinkley News Photo by Darby Hinkley The Alpena Police and Alpena Fire departments play in a broomball game on the ice on Saturday at Mich-e-ke-wis Park during the Alpena Ice Festival. The police team emerged victorious, beating the fire team 5 to 2, but it was a friendly game and fun for participants and spectators.
News Photo by Darby Hinkley News Photo by Darby Hinkley The Alpena Police and Alpena Fire departments play in a broomball game on the ice on Saturday at Mich-e-ke-wis Park during the Alpena Ice Festival. The police team emerged victorious, beating the fire team 5 to 2, but it was a friendly game and fun for participants and spectators.
News Photo by Darby Hinkley News Photo by Darby Hinkley The Alpena Police and Alpena Fire departments play in a broomball game on the ice on Saturday at Mich-e-ke-wis Park during the Alpena Ice Festival. The police team emerged victorious, beating the fire team 5 to 2, but it was a friendly game and fun for participants and spectators.
News Photo by Darby Hinkley News Photo by Darby Hinkley The Alpena Police and Alpena Fire departments play in a broomball game on the ice on Saturday at Mich-e-ke-wis Park during the Alpena Ice Festival. The police team emerged victorious, beating the fire team 5 to 2, but it was a friendly game and fun for participants and spectators.
News Photo by Darby Hinkley Children sled down a snow hill on Saturday at Mich-e-ke-wis Park during the Alpena Ice Festival.
News Photo by Darby Hinkley Alpena Ice Festival attendees gather around a bonfire made by the Alpena Fire Department at Mich-e-ke-wis Park.
News Photo by Darby Hinkley Alpena Ice Festival gear was for sale inside the warming shelter on Saturday at the Alpena Farmers Market at Mich-e-ke-wis Park.

ALPENA — Hundreds of people bundled up and came out to Mich-e-ke-wis Park and downtown Alpena for the fourth annual Alpena Ice Festival on Saturday.

Despite a snowstorm, attendees and participants were determined to have a great time.

The event featured activities galore, including live ice sculpture carving, a sledding hill, a bonfire, horse-drawn wagon rides, children’s crafts inside the warming shelter at the Alpena Farmers Market, a broomball game between the Alpena Police and Alpena Fire departments, the 17th annual Polar Plunge for Special Olymics, and more.

Thunder Bay Arts organized the event, and many volunteers and sponsors made it a success.

For the full story, see Tuesday’s edition of The Alpena News.


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