

TBA Gallery to close temporarily for renovations

ALPENA — Thunder Bay Arts Gallery, 127 W. Chisholm St., downtown Alpena, will be closed from Sunday, Feb. 16, through Tuesday, March 4, for interior updates. The Gallery will reopen Wednesday, March 5.

‘Once Upon a Mattress’ auditions Feb. 21-22 at ACT

ALPENA — Auditions for “Once Upon a Mattress” will be held at 6 p.m. on Friday, Feb. 21, and at noon on Saturday, Feb. 22, at Alpena Civic Theatre. Please check Alpena Civic Theatre’s Facebook page for further details.

Boy Scout Troop 92 Spaghetti Dinner Feb. 28 at St. Paul

ALPENA — Boy Scout Troop 92 invites the public to a spaghetti dinner fundraiser from 4 to 7 p.m. on Friday, Feb. 28 at St. Paul Lutheran Church, 727 S. 2nd Ave., Alpena.

The cost is $14 per adult, $7 per child ages 8 and younger, or $32 for a family of four. Children younger than age 4 eat free.


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