

Thunder Bay Folk Society meeting March 1

ALPENA — The Thunder Bay Folk Society announces their annual membership meeting, to be held at 6 p.m. on Saturday, March 1 at Latitudes Tavern in Alpena. Bring a dish to pass. Folk Society members will be electing new board members. Anyone interested in attending or running for the board, or if you have any questions, contact president@thunderbayfolkfest.org, or call 989-255-2149.

Fundraiser for Jennifer Hawley Sunday

OSSINEKE — A spaghetti dinner and silent auction fundraiser for Jennifer Hawley will be held from 1:30 to 6 p.m. on Sunday at Cattails Bar and Grille, 12087 U.S.-23, Ossineke.

The public is invited to come show their support to a local mother of three and a dedicated postal worker who has been battling stage 4 mouth cancer.

The suggested donation is $8 per person. There will be a cash bar and a 50/50 raffle.

Contact Kasandra Lynn via Facebook if you have any questions, want to volunteer, or donate to the silent auction.

WOVEN event March 1 at New Life church

ALPENA — All women, junior high age and up, are warmly invited to attend a WOVEN (Women of Victory Experiencing Newness) event, Mug N Muffin Morning, from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. on Saturday, March 1.

Please bring a friend and join WOVEN for a lovely time and hear a mother and daughter (Cherith and Alissa Prince) share their story. There is no charge for this event in the lower level of New Life Christian Fellowship, 317 S. Ripley Blvd., Alpena.

For more information, call 989-354-0095.

Trooper Kunath to address scams March 4

ALPENA — Michigan State Police Trooper Jason Kunath will speak on how to avoid scams at 1 p.m. on Tuesday, March 4 at St. Paul Lutheran Church in Alpena. The meeting will be held in the multi-purpose room at the church. Coffee and cookies will be served.


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