

Marine Corps League meeting Tuesday

ALPENA — The regular monthly meeting of the Marine Corps League Alpena Detachment 1327 will be held at 7 p.m. on Tuesday at the VFW Hall on Connon Street in Alpena.

Alpena VFW Auxiliary met

ALPENA — The Auxiliary to VFW Post 2496 held their February meeting at 6 p.m. on Feb. 11, with 18 members present.

The minutes and financials were read and a donation from bingo was received. Applications for membership from Jason Thomas and Dennis Thomas were approved. A $100 donation was received from the broomstick memorial pool event.

The charter was draped in memory of life members Dorothy Brown and Tamara Snyder.

Members were informed that the post will not be having fish dinners this year during Lent.

The closing ritual was conducted and the president adjourned the meeting at 6:47 p.m. The next meeting will be be held at 6 p.m. on March 11.

NEMI Amputee Support Group on first Thursdays

ALPENA — The new Northeast Michigan Amputee Support Group will be meeting from 6 to 7:30 p.m. on the first Thursday of the month, starting on March 6, at McWilliams Funeral Home, 504 W. Washington Ave., Alpena.

Each month will feature a new topic, with guest speakers on occasion. All who are affected by limb loss are welcome. Each meeting will be designed to be helpful for the whole family (the amputee, their support person, and children). Child care will be provided in another room. Please call ahead to register your child. Amputees and their support person will break away into different groups during some sessions, depending on the topic of discussion.

If you have questions, call Dave at 989-916-9529, or Andrea at 989-916-9528, or email nemilimbloss@outlook.com.


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