

Celebrate International Women’s Day at ACL

HARRISVILLE — In honor of International Women’s Day, the Harrisville branch of the Alcona County Library invites women to stop by between 9:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. on Friday, March 7, to pick up a free plant as a token of appreciation.

International Women’s Day is Saturday, March 8.

This year’s theme, “Accelerate Action,” encourages progress and empowerment.

Call the library at 989-724-6796 for more information.

Card making March 7 at Grand Lake Library

PRESQUE ISLE — The Grand Lake branch of Presque Isle District Library will host a card-making class at 10:15 a.m. on Friday, March 7.

The cost is $7.50 to make three Stampin’ Up cards. All materials are included. This class is limited to nine participants, and sign up is required by calling 989-734-2477, ext. 2. The library is located at 18132 Lake Esau Hwy, Presque Isle.


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