
Zonta Club of Alpena continues to support MyMichigan Health Foundation

Courtesy Photo Pictured left to right are Zonta Club of Alpena member Kayla Parsell, Zonta Club of Alpena board member Loren Jackson, imaging service manager at MyMichigan Health Center Alpena Steve Hand, MyMichigan Health Foundation director Ann Diamond, Zonta Club of Alpena board member Eileen Budnick, Zonta Club of Alpena president Jo Sims, Zonta Club of Alpena board member Melissa Chabot, and Zonta Club club members Brittany Mischloney and Jo’Lee Dorie.

ALPENA – The Zonta Club of Alpena successfully hosted its 18th annual Zonta Walks for Women event to honor and celebrate those who have had breast cancer, while also spreading awareness on the importance of early detection. Recently, the Zontians presented the proceeds from the event to local organizations with $5,269.84 directed to the Breast Health Fund at MyMichigan Medical Center Alpena.

Eileen Budnick, chair of the Zonta Walks for Women committee, presented the check to Ann Diamond, development director, MyMichigan Health Foundation, and Steve Hand, imaging services manager, MyMichigan Medical Center Alpena.

“This is the first year we invited the organizations who received the contributions from the fundraiser to provide participants with information on breast cancer and locally available resources,” Budnick said. “This allowed the focus to be on the use of the funds, available resources, the organizations that benefit from the event, and also provided time for participants to learn about the importance of early detection.”

In 2024, MyMichigan Medical Center Alpena completed renovations on the Breast Health Suite, combining the waiting area, patient exam rooms, mammography and ultrasound lab into one, centrally enclosed area. By creating one central suite the length of patient appointments has been reduced, and the proximity of treatment rooms is much easier on patients, creating a better overall experience for patients. Zonta of Alpena played a large role in this by financially supporting the purchase of a new ultrasound machine for the Breast Health Suite’s dedicated use.

“I can’t emphasize enough how important our collaboration with Zonta is in providing the best possible care and services available to our breast health patients,” Hand said. “When you look at the changes we’ve been through – adding a Breast Health Navigator, providing Bella Blankets for mammograms and Radiant Wraps for those going through radiation treatment, even the bigger changes like 3D mammography – all of these improvements have been due in part to community support and our partnership with Zonta. We are so very thankful for their support.”

The MyMichigan Health Foundation supports the patients and families served by MyMichigan Health through raising funds for equipment, services, and programs. Those interested in more information on the Breast Health Fund or MyMichigan Health Foundation may contact Diamond at ann.diamond@mymichigan.org or (989) 356-7738.


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