
ACDC 3-on-3 Hoops Tournament March 29

ALPENA — Alpena Childcare and Development Center is holding a 3-on-3 basketball tournament on Saturday, March 29 at the Boys and Girls Club of Alpena.

Tip-off time will be 9 a.m. Registration is open now through March 28, for $100 per team. Age brackets will be third and fourth grade boys and girls, fifth and sixth grade boys and girls, seventh and eighth grade boys and girls, ninth through 12th grade boys and girls, and a co-ed bracket for ages 18 and over (teams must consist of two men and two women).

ACDC is also seeking sponsors for the event. Sponsorship forms must be turned in by Friday, March 7. For more information, call 989-354-3213 or email macicordes@gmail.com.

All proceeds from the tournament will go toward ACDC’s capital campaign to raise funds to add new preschool rooms to accommodate 50 more students.


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