
Aces Academy students get a taste of success at Olde Mill Coffee in Alpena

Courtesy Photo Olde Mill Coffee owner Robert Rings, left, speaks to a group of students. Pictured on the right is Madison McWilliams.

ALPENA — Students from Aces Academy were recently treated to an insightful and inspiring tour of Olde Mill Coffee in Alpena. The visit offered a firsthand look at the coffee-roasting process, along with a chance to enjoy delicious beverages and freshly prepared food.

Owner Robert Rings shared valuable insights into the coffee business, but it was his personal story that resonated most with the students. He spoke passionately about his journey, emphasizing the importance of dreams, hard work, and perseverance in achieving success.

What made the visit even more meaningful was the special connection Aces Academy has with the coffee shop. Rings, the owner, is not only a successful entrepreneur but also a proud supporter of the academy. His two sons, Johnathan and Stephen, both graduated from Aces Academy — Johnathan in 2023 and Stephen in 2024.

For these young students, the tour was more than just a lesson in business — it was an inspiring reminder that dreams, when combined with hard work and dedication, can indeed brew a bright future.


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