
ASIST and safeTALK registration still open

ALPENA — Partners in Prevention is offering two suicide prevention skills training programs, and registration has been extended through this weekend.

The first program, safeTALK, will be held from 5:30 to 9 p.m. on Tuesday at First Presbyterian Church, 1600 W. Chisholm St., Alpena. This workshop is offered for those ages 15 and older.

The second program, ASIST, is a two-day hands-on workshop from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. on Thursday and Friday at St. John Lutheran Church, 460 W. Erie St., Rogers City. This workshop is offered for those ages 16 and older. Light breakfast and lunch are included.

Both workshops are developed by LivingWorks, global leaders in suicide prevention skills training. They are currently available at no cost to all community members.

At safeTALK, participants will learn and practice powerful, life-changing skills in just four hours.

ASIST teaches participants how to recognize when someone may be thinking about suicide, and how to provide a skilled intervention and develop a safety plan with the person to connect them to further support.

In addition to both workshops currently being free to the public, they both have a special promotion available for school staff and board members, and ASIST even comes with continued education credits for social workers.

Register for either or both workshops at partnersinpreventionnemi.org/workshops. If you have questions, call 989-356-2880.


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