
Besser Museum launches publicly accessible online database

ALPENA — The Besser Museum for Northeast Michigan’s Collections Department is excited to announce the official launch of its publicly accessible online database, offering the public free, virtual access to explore and research thousands of the museum’s artifacts, historic photographs, and special online exhibits.

This digital archive provides a unique opportunity for people to engage with the museum’s collections from the comfort of their own homes. The database showcases a range of materials, many of which are rarely seen due to space limitations in the museum’s physical galleries.

On average, museums display only a small fraction of their collections, typically between 1% and 5% of their total holdings, with the remainder stored for preservation and research. Through this initiative, the Besser Museum is making a significant portion of its vast collection of over 30,000 artifacts accessible online. This new platform ensures that even materials not currently on exhibit can be easily explored by anyone with an internet connection.

While the database is live, the digitization project is an ongoing effort. This is just the beginning of a long-term project that will continue to grow and evolve, ensuring that future generations can engage with these precious materials in new and meaningful ways.

Visitors are encouraged to start exploring the online database now by visiting the website at bessermuseum.org/online-collections. Whether you’re an academic researcher, a history enthusiast, or simply curious about the museum’s treasures, this new resource is designed to make learning and discovery accessible to all.

For more information, contact Besser Museum Collections Manager Sarah Honeycutt at collections@bessermuseum.org.


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