
Children enjoy Shark Days at the Sanctuary during Spring Break

Courtesy Photo Yarrow Moffatt and Blayke Hibbler enjoy a craft project on Thursday during Shark Days at the Sanctuary at the Great Lakes Marine Heritage Center in Alpena.
News Photo by Darby Hinkley Daniel Moffatt, left, Thunder Bay National Marine Sanctuary stewardship and education specialist, looks on as Erin Pilarski, right, visitor experience coordinator at TBNMS, leads children in an experiment on Friday during Shark Days at the Sanctuary. Deb Stosick, grandma of pariticipant John Stosick, is seen in the background.
News Photo by Darby Hinkley Thunder Bay National Marine Sanctuary Stewardship and Education Specialist Daniel Moffatt shows children where the Thunder Bay National Marine Sanctuary is located on a map of National Marine Sanctuaries.

ALPENA — Children ages 5 to 9 participated in Shark Days at the Sanctuary on Thursday and Friday at the Great Lakes Maritime Heritage Center in Alpena.

“Though the Great Lakes do not harbor sharks, students learning about sharks will help them gain a deeper appreciation for these incredible creatures and their role in maintaining healthy ocean ecosystems,” said Visitor Experience Coordinator Erin Pilarski. “Our partnered National Marine Sanctuaries offer a unique opportunity to study and protect these vital species, helping to preserve marine biodiversity and inspire future environmental stewardship.”

According to the Thunder Bay National Marine Sanctuary website, thunderbay.noaa.gov, “Providing educational opportunities for students is a high priority for the sanctuary. K-12 programs include plenty of free exhibits to discover at the Great Lakes Maritime Heritage center, school field trips, classroom cruises to see shipwrecks in Thunder Bay aboard the Lady Michigan glass-bottom boat, web resources such as virtual dives, sneak peeks of the Thunder Bay International Film Festival, and the annual student underwater robotics competition.”


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