
Good people in Alpena and the world

Senior Attitudes

Those who don’t believe in magic will never find it — I have proof of that.

Last month, I had an accident and I underwent an extensive abdominal surgery, staying a week at the Alpena Hospital Unit 2. Here I was taken care of as if I was their only patient. I can’t say enough about how wonderful the staff was. I would name names, except I am sure I would forget someone important to my care. Instead, a thousand thank-yous to them all! I was not sure I could go on a planned vacation, but I did anyway.

Three of my children and their spouses went to Portugal. Portugal is the land of a million cement stairs. Thanks to two things, 1. My children and 2. My stubbornness, I was able to enjoy the beauty and cultural sights of Portugal. It was a good trip, good people, good food, and good wine. It proves again to me how wonderful people all over the world are. I am usually proud of being human and having a fuzzy barking best friend. Meeting new people just reinforces my belief in the value of humans.

I love you all, so I decided to stick around a little longer. I will continue to wish peace and love to you all.


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