
Hillman VFW Post 2356 meeting held

HILLMAN — The Hillman VFW Post 2356 held their regular meeting at 6 p.m. on Thursday, March 6, with nine members present.

The group addressed fundraising for this year’s V-J Day celebration, and they hope to expand the weekend with extended events and a larger fireworks display.

Friday night fish fry is still 4 to 7 p.m. at the VFW Post.

On the second Monday of each month there will be a continuation of the V-J Day meetings at 6 p.m. at the VFW Post. The public is welcome. This year’s celebration will be Aug. 9.

Reach the current County Veterans Affairs representatives by calling 989-785-8043. Or call the Hillman post veterans affairs officer, Bruce Brown, at 989-464-1373. He is extremely knowledgeable and wants to help any veterans in need.

The VFW has had a few months with several officers being severely ill. The group is praying for their recovery.

There was a big discussion about the flying of Old Glory. The VFW compliments the Hillman High Schol on its continuous flying of the American Flag. It also makes VFW members wonder about the lack of its flying at all in some locations. Another concern was the poor condition of some flags that are being flown. Are they proud to fly the flag or do they even care?

The Post sells 3-foot by 5-foot American Flags that are made in the United States, for $30. There is also an old flag drop box outside the VFW front door.

Medical supplies are available for loan. If you need them, call Wayne at 989-255-4412. Anyone with medical items not needed is requested to call the VFW so they can continually upgrade.

For Post Hall rentals, call Bob Hunt at 989-657-1162.

The next regular meeting will be held at 6 p.m. on Thursday, April 3.


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