

Paws to Read today at ACL

ALPENA — Paws to Read offers the opportunity for participants to read to squirrels from 5 to 6 p.m. every other Wednesday at Alpena County Library. This month’s sessions will be held today and March 19.

Animal rehabilitator Melisa Smith is back with her special squirrel friends, Speech and Daisy. This program is for children up to age 18. Register at bit.ly/4g1qDyL. If you have questions, contact Tina at cstjohn@alpenalibrary.org.

1 Degree of Separation Friday

ALPENA — A free comedy show and suicide prevention program called “1 Degree of Separation” will be held from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. on Friday in the Granum Theatre at Alpena Community College, 665 Johnson St., Alpena.

This show is recommended for ages 18 and older. It is open to everyone, including veterans, first responders, guidance counselors, mental health professionals, and community members.

“Depression has one degree of separation: if you don’t suffer, then someone you know does,” the 1 Degree website states. “We aim to bring dialogue, awareness, and acceptance for those suffering from depression through laughter and vulnerability. We laugh at the dark stuff, because laughter releases the pain. We talk about depression because no one should feel shame.”

For more information, visit 1degreeofseparation.life. The group has performed over 80 suicide prevention shows for people from all walks of life, traveling to Kentucky, South Dakota, Wyoming, Utah, Idaho, Oklahoma, and all over California. This event is presented by UP Together With Veterans. Partners in Prevention will also have suicide prevention and mental health resources available. If you have questions, call 906-458-6403 or 906-360-3890.

Special Needs St. Patrick’s Day Dance Friday at APlex

ALPENA — The APlex will host a Special Needs St. Patrick’s Day Dance from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. on Friday. Admission is $5 per person. The APlex is located at 701 Woodward Ave., Alpena.

Bridge results announced

ALPENA — Alpena Duplicate Bridge Club winners have been announced for this week.

Ron Young and Mike Mandrick placed first, followed by Linda Clegg and Marge French in second, and Linda Ferguson and Dale Middleditch in third.

The group meets at 12:30 p.m. each Monday. For more information about Alpena Duplicate Bridge Club, call 989-595-5119 or 989-354-2306.


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