

Alpena Childcare and Development Center coupon books still available

ALPENA — Coupon books featuring over $1,000 in savings are still available, with all proceeds to benefit the Alpena Childcare and Development Center. The center is fundraising for a matching grant to add preschool classrooms to accommodate 50 more students.

Coupon books are offered for $20 each at The Alpena News, or Alpena Childcare and Development Center, 511 Long Rapids Plaza, Alpena.

Call the center at 989-354-3213 for more information.

Aid by the Dozen held March meeting

ALPENA — Catherine Murphy chose March 12 to hold the March meeting of the Aid by the Dozen, with a St. Patrick’s Day theme. She provided gifts to all, including homemade cookies. The monthly donation went to the Friendship Room. Secret pals were many — Sherry Allen, Tammy Daleski, Carole Kelly, Chris Dubey, Leora Jacobs, Marlene Montie, and Murphy. Daleski won the hostess gift, and Kelly won the cake raffle.

Kelly will host the next meeting at 5 p.m. on April 2 at the 19th Hole.

Bridge results announced

ALPENA — Alpena Duplicate Bridge Club results have been announced for this week.

Ron Young and Mike Mandrick tied for first place with Carolyn Belton and Marcy Sherman. Loretta Reynolds and Deanna Brege came in second place, and Linda Ferguson and Dale Middleditch placed third.

The group meets at 12:30 p.m. each Monday. For more information, call 989-595-5119 or 989-354-2306.


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