

VFW Post 2496 Auxiliary met

ALPENA — The Auxiliary to VFW Post 2496 was presided over by President Patrick at 6 p.m. on March 11, with 11 members attending. The secretary, treasurer and bingo reports were given and approved, pending audit. Committee reports were given and the possibility of a bus trip was discussed.

The auxiliary approved a donation of $250 to Meals on Wheels and a $250 donation to Ann Arbor Fisher House. Judi Brown announced that there will be three Quilts of Valor and one Quilt of Honor presented on April 5.

Next month at the April meeting nominations and election of officers will be held. Members are encouraged to consider volunteering for an office or committee.

The closing ritual was conducted and the meeting adjourned at 6:55 p.m. The next meeting will be held at 6 p.m. on April 8.

Partners in Prevention offering training programs in Alpena

ALPENA — Partners in Prevention is offering two upcoming suicide prevention skills training programs in Alpena. The programs are offered in partnership with Living Works, with funding provided by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration Mental Health Awareness and Training Grant Award.

Both programs are free to the public.

ASIST, a public two-day hands-on workshop, will take place from 9:15 a.m. to 5:15 p.m. on April 24 and 25 at Alpena County Library, 211 N. 1st Ave. This workshop qualifies for continuing education credits for social workers, and special promotions for school staff and board members. This free workshop is a $300 value, and breakfast and lunch are included. Learn suicide first aid intervention training, life-saving intervention model, and more. ASIST is for ages 16 and older. Register by April 18 at partners-in-prevention. ticketleap.com/asist-alpena-april-25.

Another free prevention program, safeTALK, will be held from noon to 3:30 p.m. on May 13 at VFW Post 2496, 2900 Connon St., Alpena. Learn how to identify people at risk of suicide and connect them with resources. Learn how to ask people directly about suicide, connect them to life-saving resources, and keep them safe until others take over. This program is for ages 15 and older.

If you have questions, email programs@nemcpi.org, or call 989-356-2880.

Dog shot clinic Friday

ALPENA –Alpena County Animal Control has a monthly shot clinic scheduled for 6 to 9 p.m. on Friday inside The Alpena County Fairgrounds Merchants Building. All are welcome to attend. Rabies shots will be $20 per dog, and core vaccines will be $25 per dog. Cash or checks only. More details can be found on Friends of Alpena County Animal Control Facebook page.


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