
Wendy Werth is March/April Featured Artist at TBA Gallery

News Photo by Darby Hinkley Local artist Wendy Werth, of Ossineke, is the March and April Featured Artist at Thunder Bay Arts Gallery in downtown Alpena. She is pictured at the gallery with one of her pieces, a giraffe made out of a gourd. Her artwork also includes colorful wildlife-inspired painted gourds, ornaments, and paintings, as seen above. Werth’s artwork is currently displayed in the front windows of the gallery at 127 W. Chisholm St.

ALPENA — Wendy Werth is the March and April Featured Artist at Thunder Bay Arts Gallery in downtown Alpena.

Werth’s colorful artwork includes many painted gourds, such as giraffes and birds, as well as ornaments and paintings to hang on the wall.

Her artwork is currently displayed in the front windows at TBA Gallery, 127 W. Chisholm St. The gallery is open from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Wednesday through Saturday. The public is invited to stop in to see Werth’s unique artwork, as well as the work of 20 additional local artists. The gallery also features new carpet and freshly painted walls.

Werth, of Ossineke, has been working with gourds for over 12 years.

“When you start with a basic organic gourd, it’s rather ugly,” Werth said. “Then, when you’re finished, it can be beautiful.”

News Photo by Darby Hinkley Local artist Wendy Werth, of Ossineke, is the March and April Featured Artist at Thunder Bay Arts Gallery in downtown Alpena. Her artwork includes colorful wildlife-inspired painted gourds, ornaments, and paintings, as seen above. Werth’s artwork is currently displayed in the front windows of the gallery at 127 W. Chisholm St.

She has enjoyed creating art since she was a child.

“I have always loved art and drawing,” Werth said in a written bio. “I began at an early age, when art was my favorite subject in school; drawing portraits was my favorite subject matter. In participating in Miss Alpena, I did a 90-second portrait as my talent (very unusual).”

She volunteered, then coordinated the program, “Picture Person” for the Alpena Public Schools for many years.

“I loved showing and sharing with students about artists and various techniques,” she said in the bio.

She is mostly self-taught but did enjoy taking a painting and drawing class.

“Gourd art started when I quit working and needed to supplement my income and needed a hobby, too,” Werth said. “Friends helped and encouraged me tremendously.”

While traveling, she found a Gourd Festival that 10,000 people attended, with artists from all over the 50 states.

“This really inspired me to learn this technique,” she said. “Turning a raw, dried gourd into a piece of art is very demanding and time-consuming. I love it!”

She said the process of buying, cleaning, painting, and carving the gourds has been fun.

Werth gets her gourds primarily from Arizona, because she said they have the best-quality gourds.

“Face painting and caricature portraits, which I am learning techniques for, are also my favorite forms of expression,” she said.

She added that it’s important to have a hobby.

“Everybody needs a hobby, doing something they love,” Werth added. “I would encourage everyone to try some type of medium of art. You might find something you love!”

For custom design requests, call Werth, of Wendy’s Whimsical Gourds and Gifts, at 989-657-1972, or email her at wendywerth06@gmail.com.


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